27. The End Goal

Today, after explaining to my counsellor how I was struggling with worry, and my over-active mind, he reminded me that instead of focussing on the uncertainty, I need to focus on the things that are certain.

So that is the plan.

Very wise words.

I never thought I would enjoy going to a counsellor, or even look forward to it, but sometimes what you need is just to get your inside thoughts OUT and hear someone else’s perspective – and a little bit of tough love honesty never hurt either.

In the past I would never have opened up, because I liked to portray the idea that I had it all together. Now that that has been well and truly pulverised, I like that I can just be real, instead of trying to be perfect.

24. Worry

I have a natural tendency to worry. I am not sure if that is just human nature, but it is certainly in my nature. It is my go-to emotion, in times of uncertainty.

Because life is so uncertain at present, I have plenty I could worry about. But I also realise more and more that it doesn’t help.

I am doing my best to stay in the present, but it is a daily, minute-by-minute, hour-by-hour challenge, to say the least!

Hopefully, the more and more I practice meditation and mindfulness, the easier it will be to snap out of worry and get back to the present. That is the plan at least!

23. 10% Recap + other random thoughts about life

From www.amazon.com
From http://www.amazon.com

So Chapter Five… (if anyone is actually reading this, bear in mind these are just my random thoughts/questions/ideas as I read this chapter)

  • Harris now began reading a book by a guy called Dr. Mark Epstein, a buddhist and psychiatrist.
  • According to this author, a lot of the ideas of these other self-help gurus actually came from the teaching of Buddha and ancient buddhist principles.

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